
Do you have to be a member to get massages at Massage Envy?

Do you have to be a member to get massages at Massage Envy?
You can go without being a member, but expect heavy-handed pressure to join each time you go. The stressful sales tactics are enough to negate any relaxation you might otherwise enjoy.

The first time you go you are offered a $ 39 introductory offer. After that you will pay prices that match or exceed the market rate for the area. 80% of the practitioners who work at Massage Envy are right out of school and can't do any better, so don't expect a skilled treatment.
I was thinking about checking into Massage Envy, but I'm not sure if I want a membership. Can I still go there for massages or is it membership only?

Orignal From: Do you have to be a member to get massages at Massage Envy?

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    Massage Envy offers a variety of massages as well as facials. Their experienced and always licensed masseurs offer hot stone massages, Swedish massages, deep tissue massages, sports massages and more.

    Therapeutic Sport Massage Miami FL
